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Yoga Classes for Everyone

We offer a number of yoga classes that can be varied to accommodate the needs of everyone. Multiple yoga classes are offered daily. Additionally, private yoga sessions for individuals and groups are available for booking.

tamar dileo yoga instructor practicing yoga form with side angle pose yoga position

All Levels Flow

Great for all levels to find balance and strength using  breathe and asanas (poses). Variations offered for everyone.

tamar dileo yoga instructor performing yoga practice with warrior pose yoga position

Advanced Flow

Take your practice a bit further. Explore new interpretations of poses and a faster pace.

Vin to Yin

This class begins with warming moving asanas (poses) which are followed by longer deep stretches.

tamar dileo yoga instructor performing yoga practice with tree pose yoga position

Yin Yoga

This class offers longer holding asanas (poses) for deeper stretching into the muscle, tendons, ligaments and fascia.

Yoga Pose Looking Up

We're Flexible!

We're have multiple yoga memberships, packages and passes, so there's a perfect fit pricing plan for you.

Yoga Mats

Tips for Great Yoga

  • Hydrate well before and after class

  • Eat a light snack two hours before class

  • Arrive 10 minutes early

  • Wear comfortable, close fitting clothing

  • Breathe

Tamar DiLeo

Yoga Instructor

tamar dileo yoga instructor sitting and smiling outside
tamar dileo yoga instructor performing yoga practice with crescent moon pose yoga position

Yoga is my escape. My mind is clearer, my body stronger. When you bring your full self to the yoga mat, you transform.

yoga students performing cobra pose yoga practice with covid safety social distancing and mask wearing protocols

Safety Protocol

We are following CDC guidelines to protect the spread of COVID-19.

We aim for individual student comfort.

  • All students are welcome to wear mask for class.

  • You are welcome to bring your own mat and props if you wish.

  • If need, mats are available which are sanitized after use.

  • All props can be provided for you as well.

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